CST Scheduling

A modern, web-based scheduling application, driven by Blazor Server

Written by Jonathan Cruz | Last modified 2022-04-18


In September 2021, I joined a team of 5 fellow student developers. We were tasked with creating a new scheduling application for our program head. This is an ongoing project, which is approaching its final release at the end of April 2022.


Our software should allow the program head to assign specific instructors to teach specific courses in various programs in a specific location. The program head must be able to produce printable schedules for instructors, rooms and programs, as well as detect if a booking conflict occurs.

Since our client's original software was over 20 years old, we were required to use a newer technology that could allow us to serve dynamic web content integrated with a database to store schedules, departments, courses, and instructors. For this reason, we chose Blazor Server, which enabled us to call C# code directly from within our HTML pages and program the backend of this web application. Additionally, we are required to create a contemporary UX reminiscent of Google Calendar, which can be seen from the screenshots provided on the right.